Have you ever felt ‘different’ to some set of people because they appeared superior or they talked intelligently or they were rich and classy? Have you ever felt a little hesitation when meeting new people because you think that you lack something and are scared of criticism?
These are all feelings of inferiority and when they take command over your life and makes you behave queerly or hesitatingly, that’s when you face inferiority complex.

Generally, the thought that you are an inferior to others pops up in your head maybe because you’re too skinny or you’re fat or you’re too short or you’re not doing well in your exams or you’re poor or you have some physical deformity or you’re always labelled with some bad adjectives by your peers or you haven’t been able to get over a past event or you’re not able to get into a relationship and the list can go really long.
Shunning away such thoughts and beliefs and uttering out loud that ‘I am not inferior to anyone’ will not really help. Had it been so simple then none of us would be haunted by these I-am-inferior thoughts.
Over the time, these thoughts of being inferior may clutter your mind which often leads to depression, shyness, hesitation and a downfall of self-confidence.
But then again, you can very easily get over all of it with the help of positivity, happiness and will-power. Below are the few basic things that you ought to keep in mind and follow to get over your inferiority complex.
What’s important is that none of us are born flawless. We all are an incredible mixture of qualities and flaws and that’s what makes us a normal being. Inferiority complex is the false belief that we create in our heads about ourselves. It’s how we view ourselves.
- So, it is very important to have a pleasant self-image which does not mean that you will overrate yourself and live in your own world of make-believe. It’s going to hurt you even more when you will get into the reality. So, be pragmatic and accept the way you are. You are simply you and that is what is special about you.
- Always try to improve yourself. By improving, I mean, to build your self-confidence and self-esteem, to stop being shy and over-conscious about what the others are thinking about you and so on. The more you will work towards your improvement, the more you will be environed with positivity. This very positivity will definitely inspire you to work harder. And you will soon find yourself improving.
- Never ever compare yourselves to anyone and everyone. People are of different kinds. The more you compare, the more you are going to feel miserable. Rather compare your present self with the past one and see if you have improved.
- Forget thinking about the negative things that may happen to you like “I don’t know if they’ll talk to me, I am so not up to their standards” or “I should leave, I look awful among these people” and so on. If you really start thinking negatively, there will be no end to it. Also, it makes you look nervous and strange as face is the index of mind. Just give a halt to all these thoughts and be free, you will feel much better
- The last and the crucial thing, try to avoid such people who discourage you or make you think negatively about yourself. With such people around, your mind will always be clogged with negativity and hesitation.
So, let go off all your inhibitions. You were created to be you and not what people want you to be. So, the next time you feel inferior, give yourself some time, think about all of this and feel good about yourself because you are unique and you are simply you!