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Monday, June 20, 2011

Super-Cool things. \m/

I've seen quite a variety of people around me. Some are decent, some are naive, some are weird, some are fun, some are cool and some are super-cool \m/. Yes, the word "super-cool" always makes me feel like adding \m/. These super-cool \m/ people often show their super-coolness \m/ in the over-populated social networking websites.
  • LOLing or lolxxx or lolzzzz : LOL. The word itself is a little weird and adding the super-cool \m/ ing, x's or z's makes it miserable. Also, ing? Isn't it grammatically wrong? Laughing out Louding.
  • Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : Using extra exclamation marks. Really, are you always that excited? Or is there something wrong with your fingers?
  • If yoU WriTe LyK thIs TheN dO mE a fAvOUr, dOnT taLk tO mE. Because every time I see it, my eyes go through a seizure.
  • f9 is not fine. 4n is not phone. 10x is not thanks.
  • H'py B'dy is NOT Happy Birthday. If you were THAT busy you would not be on facebook at the first place.
  • Fake accent: can be only used when you write it and, trust me, it is disgusting. He's is mah boi. Hey, fanxx.. God, tough to tolerate. Sowiee That's sorry btw, in case you haven't figured out which is pretty normal. Nice pichha. No, really. I didn't need that comment. :| Thank uh. Sorry? Did you mean YOU? Welz! welcome is MUCH better.
P.S : This piece is NOT aimed at any particular person. If I've hurt any of your sentiments, trust me, it is unintentional. And, of course, no offence. But please, there are much better ways to write you see.
